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Group of companies 3H

3H Group, s.r.o.
The manufacturing facilities for the group – its technical, engineering and sales sites focusing on customer relations and cooperation, and the execution of individual contracts.
informationwebCompany ID: 09736255
3H Property, s.r.o.
The ownership, management and development of commercial and industrial real estate, and asset utilisation optimisation. Generation, distribution and efficient utilisation of energy and energy resources.
informationwebCompany ID: 09737251
3H INVEST, s.r.o.
The creation of the business strategy for the group as a whole and its individual members, and the group organisational structure. Acquisitions and the management of new group projects, divisions or companies. Promotion and marketing.
informationwebCompany ID: 04890591

Segments of operations

3H Group
3H Group
3H Property
3H Property
3H Invest
3H Invest
  • engineering
  • manufacturing and general deliveries
  • sales and customer relations
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  • asset ownership and management
  • asset utilisation optimisation
  • energy services
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  • business strategy
  • organisation and development
  • promotion and marketing
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The group 3H is based in the Czech Republic and operates in the EU.
The group has worldwide partnerships.

64+ mil EUR

Group revenues




Companies in the group


Export countries

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