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Elektromont Brno, akciová společnost

Elektromont Brno, joint-stock company, is one of the leading electrical installation companies in the Czech Republic. It offers comprehensive electrical engineering solutions, whether for high-voltage (up to 110 kV), low-voltage, measurement and regulation, and control systems.

Since its founding in 1993, the company has primarily focused on design, engineering and installation work, including initial inspections and servicing. One of the company’s main advantages is its many years of wide-ranging experience with the implementation of many orders for both domestic and foreign customers in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe.


Tel: +420 543 210 712
E-mail: elektromont@elektromont.cz
Web: elektromont.cz

Address (headquarters)

Elektromont Brno, akciová společnost
Žarošická 4315/17
628 00 Brno - Židenice
Czech Republic

Corporate information

Corporate ID: 24319139
Corporate VAT number: CZ24319139
Společnost je evidována v Obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně, spisová značka B 6920

Elektromont Brno, akciová společnost
Comprehensive solutions for all parts of the electrical engineering sector, both low-voltage and high-voltage areas. Installation of measurement and control systems, process automation and control.
informationwebCompany ID: 24319139
Elektromont SK, s.r.o.
Complete electrical installation work in diagnostics, design, low-voltage, high-voltage, automation, measurement and regulation.
informationwebCompany ID: 45249385

Segments of operations

3H Group
3H Group
3H Property
3H Property
3H Invest
3H Invest
  • engineering
  • manufacturing and general deliveries
  • sales and customer relations
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  • asset ownership and management
  • asset utilisation optimisation
  • energy services
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  • business strategy
  • organisation and development
  • promotion and marketing
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The group 3H is based in the Czech Republic and operates in the EU.
The group has worldwide partnerships.

64+ mil EUR

Group revenues




Companies in the group


Export countries

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